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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How many people are uneducatable? Those who hold rigid diehard beliefs/tune you out because they don't want to expand/learn/grow? Any idea?

How many people are uneducatable? Those who hold rigid diehard beliefs/tune you out because they don't want to expand/learn/grow? Any idea?

Posted - April 20, 2017


  • 3684
    I doubt anyone can say, but I suspect the number who genuinely want a life of complete ignorance is actually very small.

    The other category - those with diehard beliefs - is probably bigger, but most are not uneducable completely, and many probably have as good an education as you or I in other fields. I think this type is basically very frightened and insecure, but I am less sure what actually frightens most them. Themselves, perhaps.
      April 20, 2017 3:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Belonging seems to be very important to them. They are not loners. They are joiners. They are clinger togetherers. Which means they must be very frightened. Of everything. Doesn't fear drive conspiracy theorists to believe in the absurd? If you are frightened of everything you don't open up to anything and you stick with like-minded people because your identity is wrapped up in it. I think. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      April 21, 2017 4:41 AM MDT

  • 3684
    A good point. I must admit I'd not thought of conspiracy theorists in that way, but yes, I think you are right.
      April 23, 2017 5:49 PM MDT